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Effective brand digital platforms

Digital platform

For more than 20 years, we have created digital ecosystems that are relevant for users and effective for brands. This is what we mean by Digital Brand Empowerment: digital experiences that are meaningful to your users and which generate value for your brand.

Illustration Digital platform
Collaborateurs Vanksen / Vanksen's employees

Build, maintain and optimize your digital platforms, your brand’s contact points with users

Your website might be a showcase, a multilingual corporate portal, a mini-site, or a web factory. It could be an e-commerce site, an intranet, a recruitment platform, a landing page or an event site. The same high-level expertise is required in each case to ensure your digital platforms efficiently attract audiences and guide users seamlessly through their online journey.

We organize our experts into "production squads" who are dedicated to implementing your project.

The website is operational and is already generating orders. It conveys a professional image for the group and highlights our range of sports goods. (...) I would like to thank you for your professionalism, your constant availability and your responsiveness, while sometimes working in difficult conditions. You provide us with another shop window that enhances the Thuasne Group, and allows us to take an important step forward. And all this is carried out in a good working atmosphere with two extraordinary project managers.
Nathan Samis - Communication & Digital Marketing Manager - Thuasne

Teams involved

  • Strategic Advisory: every digital platform is there to meet the various needs of related to a profession or a business, but also to users. When building efficient and sustainable ecosystems, our strategists will analyze your needs and those of your stakeholders, compare them with market trends, identify opportunities and define with you the ideal digital roadmap. You can then build a tailor-made solution which will be deployed to a timeframe that meets your needs.
  • UX: to ensure your projects are successful, we adopt a user-centric approach. Our UX experts gauge user needs and interrogate data to conceive relevant, high-performing solutions. This ensures that the time and resources invested in building your brand’s digital experience will result in an appropriate, user-friendly and efficient interface with well-defined user paths designed to meet your targets’ unique expectations.
  • Design: far from being purely “cosmetic”, our designers conceive unique graphic systems and interfaces that express your brand identity accurately. This is done while meeting high standards for simplicity, usability and efficiency. Web design and UI also have an impact on all aspects of your site’s performance: response time, SEO standards and also the carbon footprint. A variety of constraints are taken into account to design an interface that meets constantly changing criteria, while remaining aligned with your brand’s identity.
  • Web development: the technical choices regarding the structure of your website, a website factory or even simple landing pages are crucial for short and long-term effectiveness. They have a direct influence on the performance of the platform (adaptability to devices, loading times, effective indexing of the site in search engines, etc.) but also its scalability and performance over time (anticipation of the evolution of web standards, support for external modules, integration of multilingual structures). In addition, the technical aspects of a site must also meet internal challenges (manageability, security, agility, etc.). More than just managing systems, our role is to develop innovative solutions that take account of privacy and sustainability issues, while giving priority to technical performance.
  • SEO: too often given a low priority within web creation and redesign projects, SEO is of strategic importance to your brand as it makes your site more visible in search engine queries. Failure to take SEO standards into account means your platform will generate much less traffic than it should. At Vanksen, SEO is not an optional extra. It is systematically integrated into the technical and semantic requirements of every web project. This ensures it is indexable, thus favouring good positioning in search engines, regardless of the technique or languages chosen for your platform.
  • Analytics: a web project is never finished. Continuous improvement is a core principle at Vanksen as we keep a constant eye on your platforms’ metrics. It is essential to implement a reliable tracking system in order to continually measure the performance shifts and make recommendations for improvements. We do this for whatever indicators you wish to monitor: from traffic acquisition to micro-conversions, engagement or interaction KPIs on your sites… We extract value from all your data!
  • External Project Owner: as project managers do not have a direct business-related role nor a technical expertise they are rarely under the spotlight. Yet the work of the external project owner is what puts all the experts’ services together in a coordinated and efficient manner, to produce and deliver each batch, at each stage of your project. Whether working within the agency or on the client side, the project manager’s signature phrase is: “I love it when a plan comes together”.

Clients have trusted us with their web projects for over 20 years, because we bring all this expertise together to create strong, unique, engaging and lasting brand experiences.