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We offer companies the possibility of measuring the visibility and perception of their CSR initiatives with concrete data

Vanessa Diemer
Posted by:Vanessa Diemer

Social listening Director

Article initially published on Silicon Luxembourg.

Vanksen’s Social Listening hub brings a new Sustainability-oriented service to the market for helping companies benchmark and quantify the results of their CSR initiatives on their brand image.

1. Why has this service been developed?

“Social responsibility was a marginal concept ten years ago, but now it’s on everyone’s mind. All of our clients talk to us about it, regardless of their sector (banking, insurance, agri-food, household appliances, cars, etc.). They are all facing growing pressure in terms of the energy transition, climate change, circular economies, biodiversity, social inclusion, well-being in the workplace, sustainable consumption, the blue economy, gender equality, etc.

But each industry, each company, meets the same issues during its transition:

  • How do I concretely measure the impact of CSR initiatives on my brand image?
  • Which KPIs should I look at? 
  • How is my company perceived compared to my competition?
  • And more generally in my industry? 

To respond to these issues, we decided to develop specific “Sustainability/CSR” Social Listening services.

2. To which issues does this kind of monitoring respond?

There are numerous companies who either lack the tools and methodology for measuring the impact of their initiatives on their perception and for making initiatives worthwhile, or experience difficulties when making decisions concerning the orientation of their approach.

Our mission is to provide our clients with a multi-pronged work tool:

  • Prevention: Preventing possible controversies on topics linked to CSR, criticism linked to greenwashing/ bluewashing/ etc.;
  •  Market intelligence: Keeping track of initiatives and the latest regulations, for example the latest news on the EU taxonomy, a standardized classification system involving over 10,000 participants that facilitates the evaluation of how sustainable economic activities are according to scientific criteria;
  • Measurement and monitoring of positioning: Assessing and quantifying the exposure and perception of their actions and noting whether media/social media fallout is consistent with their strategy;
  •  Benchmarks: Observing the competition and identifying opportunities for launching new initiatives as part of their CSR approach;
  • Employee Advocacy: Involving top management as well as all employees in the promotion of the topic within the company.

We adapt the tool’s parameters according to the expectations of our clients.

Next, our experts take care of managing and interpreting the data in order to make useful observations and draw lessons from it. The reports provided allow our clients to then orientate their decision-making and improve their performance and strategy from a communications point of view.

3. Who is this type of service for?

Any company wanting to engage in, or already engaged in a CSR approach.

Whether it’s a company striving to be—and to be identified as—a market leader, a brand wanting to assess the impact of its CSR initiatives on its image, or a business hoping to identify new CSR themes relevant to its target audiences, in each case, this service aims to provide them with sought-after strategic intelligence.