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Brand protection - Social

Petit Navire

How we helped a food company set up a social listening system now they can measure the image of their brand and products, enabling them to react efficiently during a crisis

Petit Navire is a French canned fish brand. Created in 1932, it has been part of the Thai Union group since 2010, a fishing and seafood processing specialist.

The challenge

Petit Navire has used Vanksen’s Social listening services for many years, and the brand wanted to monitor its image on the web and social media. The goal was to identify weak signals, as well as anticipating and measuring the impact of frequent online criticism of the Thai Union Group. Often this related to intensive fishing practices. The client needed a system that would be ready to be deployed in the event of a crisis.

The project and its results

Our teams developed a complete set of services for the brand. This featured daily e-reputation monitoring, with results summarized in regular reports. These processes were designed to detect key sectoral insights which are presented in a trends report.

We also developed tailor-made crisis management procedures which can be deployed when a quick and efficient response is required.

  • To ensure optimal crisis management, our team creates a dedicated “war room” and reinforces monitoring efforts to provide the highest levels of surveillance. 
  • We provide the Petit Navire teams with a FAQ adapted to social media management, thus ensuring they are able to answer their communities in the most appropriate fashion.
  • Our teams also provide the brand with community management services during crises, including management of the Twitter account.
  • And finally, a dedicated website is created to share key information about the crisis and answer internet users’ questions

For example, after the TV show Cash Investigation was broadcast in 2019, a total of 11,000 social media mentions were recorded in 24 hours. The system developed by Vanksen enabled the company to manage efficiently a considerable number of these, including using answers scripted beforehand.

Such services enable Petit Navire to better monitor and preserve its brand image with French consumers.