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Develop and deploy a Social Media strategy to enhance brand preference among local communities

Extra is a historic group and brand in the Belgian territory. As specialists in home products, they offer a wide range of cleaning, beauty, and decoration products.

The chain has more than 44 stores in Wallonia and continues its expansion.

The challenge

In the fall of 2022, Extrashop initiated an agency consultation process to find the ideal partner to assist them in defining and implementing their Social Media strategy. The goal? To enhance brand preference while highlighting the brand's expert positioning.

Extrashop catalogue

Our Strategic Advisory and Social media teams worked in harmony to provide Extra's teams with a Social Media strategy that addresses all their challenges and objectives.

An editorial line became evident to our teams: "the home of friends." Because, indeed, entering ExtraShop is like visiting a good friend's home. We have fun, we chat, we get inspired, and when it's time to leave, all we want is to come back. We translated this narrative theme into our communication by adopting a tone of voice that blends friendliness and inspiration. Visually, we maintain a strong and warm identity that highlights the brand's family DNA.

0xvisibility on Facebook - October 2022 vs. July 2023

0new followers on Instagram - October 2022 vs. 2023

0xEngagement rate on Instagram - Average engagement at 2,27%

Extrashop social media

To make the brand and its various stores shine throughout the Walloon territory, a media strategy was also deployed to amplify our messages and strategically target key audiences located in catchment areas.

Quarterly reports are generated to assess the performance of our actions and optimize them accordingly.