Empowering patients and health professionals through digital content

Head of Strategy

Creative Strategist

From the innovations developed by international laboratories (use of AI and machine learning, biopharma, digital health…) to the latest international reforms designed to widen the access to care, all arrows point to the same direction: health has become an increasingly important topic, and even more so since the pandemic.

Vanksen’s experts zoomed in to try and understand the ways in which digital levers can empower pharma players around the world.
Experience taught us that marketing and communication have different rules if you are the CDO or CMO of a European lab. It is strictly forbidden to target patient audiences with content advertising subscription medication. So, what can they do?
We interviewed industry leaders and led comprehensive research to gather insights, choosing to focus on France and US to represent both the most and least restricted marketing territories.
Here are some of the key learnings you may discover in our whitepaper, “Empowering patients and health professionals through digital content”:
- French players’ most activated communication levers are awareness campaigns and educational content platforms aiming to inform and support patients.
- The communication purpose of French labs is to equip doctors with edgy content to update their scientific knowledge, and more accessible content to share with their patients.
- Podcast format is one that interests pharma companies. Such patient stories in longer formats allow doctors to take the time they don’t have during consultations to dig deeper into the daily experiences of people living with diseases. Patient communities feel supported and seen.
- Amongst leading US trends are the ultra-specialized one-stop-shop online platforms that focus on one type of health condition each (hair loss, skin disease, fertility, etc..) and offer access to online consultations (without having to wait)
One can only imagine the types of creativity French players could activate when inspired by foreign trends. So that’s what we did. We imagined...
Which brings us to the most exciting part of our whitepaper: the third section in which our readers will discover a bespoke case study designed to address the key challenges of pharma players in restricted markets, augmented by US trends.
We’ve asked ourselves: “What if a French lab needed to develop a content platform to empower parents of asthmatic newborns and children?”
To answer this question, we developed a step-by-step demonstration sharing our experts’ thought processes, the insights they found, the ideas they developed and the performance strategies they would apply (SEO, UX, Strategic Advisory, Design, Social Listening, IP, Paid Media…). All of which leads to actual creative moodboards and prototypes of a content platform landing page (naming and content architecture included). We were thrilled to collaborate on such an inspiring challenge, and we believe this exercise will indicate the best practices to be applied on such important digital projects. Because that’s what the Vanksen star stands for: guiding our clients towards digital brand empowerment.
Download the study and contact us if you would like to discuss your company’s current digital marketing needs and goals, taking into consideration the specificities of the pharma market.